Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wisconsin 2...State Fair

This morning play time was first on the agenda, then mickey mouse chocolate pancakes!  We also took a trip to the bakery for ham and rolls and cookies, but Evan ate them too fast for a photo. The day's weather started off great, so Evan and Grandma hung out on the porch in the warm summer sun. 

The activity of the day was State Fair.  The boys haven't been to any state's fair before, and this one is huge.  
Of course it started to rain like crazy just as we parked the car.  In between rainstorms we checked out all the barns and animals, and Evan was very intrigued.  He also was very helpful in pointing out all the "messes" he saw and ensuring we walked around them.  :)   He petted a bunny and marveled at it's softness, and was brave enough to pet a baby goat too. 


We stopped at the Milk Barn to test out some new flavors of milk: banana, strawberry, and chocolate - chocolate was definitely Evan's favorite, though the usually-picky-eater did try them all. 

After a yummy and cheese-filled lunch where we waited out the rain, we headed over to the Giant Slide.  This was mommy's first time on the slide, and Evan was glad to be her partner.  We thought for sure he'd back out when we were halfway up, or for sure at the top, but he was fearless and hopped right on the potato sack for the ride.  What a ride it was! 

After a fun morning that lasted well past naptime, we headed home.  Evan fell into a deep sleep on mommy's shoulder before we even left the fairground gates.  We hope we can be back next year!

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