Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thirsty - Now!

It didn't take long for Evan to put two and two together - Food/Drink is Good and the Refrigerator has Food/Drink. At school when he's thirsty he walks up to the 'fridge and gives it a pat - and a teacher appears to give him his cup. It's like magic! Usually the trick works at home too - a quick hug or pat of the fridge and suddenly someone appears to open the door.

Tonight, however, mommy had her hands full. But Evan really wanted his cup! You can't blame a 15 month old for not having patience until mommy finished stirring the pot, and his polite requests quickly turned to frustration. He pouted at the door for a moment (click on the first picture to get a bigger version and see the pout on his face!), then decided to take matters into his own trying to turn into He-Man and attempting to lift the entire 'fridge! Poor little guy - after all that work, he really needed a drink! And of course, he got it. A reward for a mini-tantrum? Perhaps. An experiment in patience? Yes.

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