Sunday, September 8, 2013

ELCA Day of Service

Our church joined congregations across the nation in today's celebration of the 25th anniversary as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for "God's work. Our hands." Sunday. It coincided perfectly with Rally Day and the first day of Sunday School. The younger kids stayed after morning service to meet their new teachers, then packed Blessing Bags which were distributed by the older high school youth to our community's homeless population. Over 30 bags were packed and delivered! While the littles were doing that and learning about serving others and sharing, the teens and adults (and Drew-aged littles) spread across the community for service projects. Congregation members packed meals at the Loaves and Fishes food bank, helped the Rivanna River Authority clean trash from the river's banks and trails, held a "donuts and games" event at a local mobile home community, visited and sang with residents at an assisted living center, packed food boxes for an upcoming mission trip to Southwest Virginia, organized collected school supplies for kids in need at the neighborhood elementary and middle school, and cleaned the gardens in front of the neighborhood's middle school.

Our family joined the gardening group down the street. (Evan initially wanted to do the donuts event, but was good with digging in the dirt once he realized it wouldn't be him getting the donuts!) Mike, Drew, and mommy joined several middle school youth and several adults to clean out the planting beds at Sutherland Middle School while Evan was in Sunday School. We spent about two hours weeding, raking, trimming bushes, and cleaning the beds, oftentimes fighting against the rock-hard dirt. Thank goodness Mike was there; his muscles were sorely appreciated by all us women and youth! His years of practice digging in our flower beds at home really showed. Evan was able to help for the last portion too, and both boys were amazing helpers carrying sticks, planting new flowers and plants, and carrying much-needed water to both plants and workers. We thought the project really made a difference, creating a more welcoming and clean entrance to the school, and we all left sore, sweaty, tired, and happy to have contributed to the community.

 Evan and Caden write messages to pack in the Blessing Bags for the homeless. 
Evan's look translates to: "More art? Seriously? When do we play?"

The planting bed around the Sutherland Middle School sign: before.

 After: much better! 

That evening church held a Rally Day dinner in the parking lot. It was hot, but the friends and food made it much easier to bear. Lots of "regulars" showed up and a good number of neighbors attended as well. The kids played basketball, swung on the swings, played in the sand, climbed on the ark, and generally ran around trying to sneak brownies from the dessert table; the adults laughed together and snuck a few brownies of our own; and we all enjoyed great music from the PLC Praise Band. Thank  you Greg for tirelessly chasing the boys long after the rest of us stopped being able to keep up! :)


A beautiful sight to walk home with: 

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