Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day, 2013

Today was the first day of the new school year! Drew moved up to the Turtle class, leaving the baby wing of the building behind, and Evan moved to the Shark class: the official Pre-K class! We all were excited and a little nervous for the changes, but are fully confident this year will be another great one of learning and friendship. It was raining out, so we took a few pictures on the side porch.

Yep, they're holding each other's signs. I guess even mommy had a little first-day jitters!

Then the all-important question... "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Evan put quite a lot of thought into it, considering a rock star, football player, baseball player, police man, ambulance man, superhero, and veterinarian, and finally decided: a ticket guy, just like my daddy.

A little hug and a kiss for brother and we're off! In the rain...

The requisite fight about who gets to hold the umbrella was decided: "We'll share!" and ended with everyone's eyes remaining un-hurt, for once.

Ms. Tiffany is Drew's new teacher, and he got a place of honor to help read the morning story.

Evan dashed in to "meet" Ms. Vicki and explore the Shark class.

Here's to a great school year!

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