It was as gorgeous Fall morning - 65 and sunny. The grass was littered with parents and grandparents in folding chairs, all clutching coffee and cameras. We played the Red Sox at 9am and the Braves at 10, and everyone did great. There are three innings per game, and everyone in the lineup bats each inning. The kids get three swings on their own and if they still haven't hit the ball well, Coach can give a little assist. Each child runs one base after a hit, and the last kiddo in the lineup hits a grand slam. The kids hit in a different order each inning, and get to try new spots on the field each inning as well. Today Evan got to hang at 1st, 2nd, and "right field." Fielders all stay on the infield, since hits rarely go more than 20 feet, let alone into the grass, and they're slowly getting better at understanding when to chase the ball and when to let someone else across the field go after it. Baseball doesn't have a super-fast pace though, so quite a few sand castles and dirt drawings were created, some dancing happened, and many a mom was cringing at her kid scuffing new shoes in the dirt while they waited for the ball to come their way. Evan passed the time by chatting with the other team's players while on base... sometimes having too much fun telling his new friend a story and forgetting to run to the next base. After each game, naturally everyone lines up and "does high fives," then does a team cheer and gets snacks. I think Evan's sold on playing ball.
Before the game the kids received their official team shirts, and Evan couldn't show off his new #2 enough.
"Hands in, everyone... Goooooooo, Orioles!"
Patiently waiting for our turns to bat.
Nice hit, Evan!
Good running too.
Fielding... in the "ready" position, prepared to grab
the ball with our "alligator hands."
the ball with our "alligator hands."
Good game, good game, good game...
Drew waited pretty patiently through both games;
he was definitely proud of his brother.
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