With the new-baby date looming quickly (est May 5), it's high time we get Ev in his big boy bedroom. Today we started with the paint. I've been agonizing over the paint and decor for weeks, trying to figure out what will last (we don't want to have to paint every year!) and what will be flexible enough to go with all his future interests. I finally settled on a Pottery Barn quilt, and luckily for me (since I was feeling decorating-challenged), it came with a specific swatch of paint to buy! The boys started taping and priming this morning, and Mike'll put the color on in a couple days. Of course, Evan was right there to help!

Can you guess who did what taping?
Ev was sorely disappointed that he couldn't sleep in his new room right away, and it was tough to explain that not only did we not have the furniture all assembled yet but the room smelled like paint fumes. He's asking about it constantly, "I sleep in my big room, mommy?
As soon as we have the full room done, you can see the whole thing, but we're not giving it away just yet!
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