It's the Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, and there are activities all over the downtown Mall for everyone interested in reading. This morning there was a Cat in the Hat movie and parade, and Evan made a date with his friend Caroline to attend. Caroline brought along a great drum for the parade, and they made lots of noise marching down the street to the movie theatre. Inside, we got a free book, heard from the Cat in the Hat himself, and watched a fun show.
After the movie, the kids went on a "date." We strolled down the street to explore a tiny but delicious Crepe restaurant just off main street. Unprompted, they held hands and walked arm in arm the whole way there!
Following a much needed nap, we ventured out to the UVA lacrosse game. Ev had a great time using his little chair (just like mommy's, only smaller!), cheering, and making the highschool girls laugh at his giggles. From seeing him at the game, some would be willing to bet he's going to be a lacrosse player when he gets big...
...until we came home and he wanted to play baseball! It's all the rage in our backyard. We haven't even been to a game live and in person yet, but it's the only thing Evan wants to do every day after school. He's really quite good! Of course I can't get it on camera, but he can hit a homerun right out of the park and run the bases like nobody's business. We're working on proper form and slowly learning the rules. We haven't figured out if Evan will be a righty or lefty, but Mike's enjoying teaching him both.
We were all exhausted after the long but oh-so-fun day!