We got home and he half-woke again, enough to kick off his shoes and, of course, ask for paci. I was hoping against hope that we could do it - get to bed without really waking and remembering how much he loves, no NEEDS, paci when he sleeps.
It was nothing short of a miracle. He raised his head to ask for paci, and I had stealthily swiped the extras off the bookshelf as we walked in the door. I simply said, "Big Boys don't need paci. You have doggy. Sweet dreams!" and laid him in bed. As I practically ran to the door, he quietly put his head down and went back to dreamland. Hooray! Hooray! I held my breath through the whole nap, wondering when he'd wake up and demand to have his crutch to go back to sleep, but... nothing. Wow!
After nap, Evan got congratulated like he'd just won a Gold at the Olympics. He didn't need a paci! What a big boy! He got caught up in the excitement and was very proud of himself. We talked about babies needing pacis, and how Evan was so big he didn't need it any more. Whew!
But wait... that was only one sleep time. What would happen at bedtime that night? We talked about it a little when going upstairs, and he agreed that he was indeed a big boy and didn't need it that night. As I closed his bedroom door, I was terrified. Would he change his mind and demand it? Was I ready for the battle of wills if I said no and he threw a fit? To give in would most certainly mean 10 steps backwards - you can't give in when dealing with a toddler. To hold my ground could result in tears and a fit like we have never seen from our mild mannered little man. How would this drama play out?
He amazed me again and didn't make a peep all night. We celebrated again in the morning, and haven't looked back since!
And we've never looked back. Sometimes Evan'll ask about a paci when he sees someone with it, solemnly pointing and saying, "That a baby. Baby use paci." But then proudly he'll bounce right back and announce, "Evan no need paci - I a big boy!" Indeed.
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