This morning before school Evan finished his breakfast (graham crackers dipped in yogurt) and was ready to go. He headed over to the stairs and yelled for daddy. Daddy takes him to school in the morning, and Evan was anxious to play with his friends. Evan wouldn't give up. He called and called, but daddy wasn't quite ready. Evan then gave me a sideways glance, no doubt checking to see how serious I was about not letting him up the stairs alone (click on the image to see his questioning face in more detail), before dashing up to see what was taking so long. Daddy was putting on his last shoe, and in just a minute more, the boys were out the door.

After school Evan was super hungry, as only a toddler can be. From his wails you would think he hadn't eaten for days! Daddy stepped in to serve as a distraction in the final minutes of dinner preparation, and took Evan for a shoulder ride. Talk about fun! The wails were instantly replaced by giggles of glee at being up so high and the new perspective, and I was able to catch a shot of Evan mid-giggle. There's not a straight face in the house when he laughs - even Ernie seems to laugh along with us, it's that infectious. We hope it makes you smile too!
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