Happy Valentine's Day! Our house is covered in hearts and X's and O's, with a healthy dose of glitter everywhere. We've been working hard on our Valentines for friends at school, and some surprises for our family as well, which left the house looking much like a scene from a bad movie... there's red splattered everywhere, and even a handprint trailing on the wall. Scary! However, this holiday is about love, so here are some pics of our "Love Day."
Everyone wore red on Valentine's Day, and were thrilled to get new bears and toys at breakfast. They were stoked for their class parties, and to share some love with their friends and teachers.
Evan decided on "gooeyfish" Valentines for his friends. Aren't these adorable? I can't find the original source of the design anymore, but am glad I didn't have to create them myself. We had a blast putting together the fishbowls and snacking on Swedish Fish.
Evan worked very hard at writing all his classmates' names. He knew how to make almost every letter without asking what it looked like! We tried to space it out over several days, but he told me that all that writing left him with a hand cramp.
Here are Drew's Valentine's for his classmates. We opted for non-candy treats for his friends, and
these for silly straws fit the bill perfectly.
For dessert at home we filled strawberries with a cream cheese/powdered sugar mix and rolled them in mini chips.
Evan declared them "scrumptious!"