We heard a Disney group, a family band, a folk group, and a great new artist that I have to remember the name of because he was so good. We ate chicken fingers and fries, and of course Saz's mozerella sticks. Yum!
We took Evan for a daytime visit to the festival to avoid some of the evening crowds. It was hot, but Grandma bought Dippin' Dots, so all was right with the world. Evan was enthralled by the Sky Glider running the length of the festival grounds. He wanted to ride, but he'll have to wait a few more years for that. It was kids' day, so he got a free slinky, which made his day. He alternated between riding in the stroller and sitting on daddy's shoulders. The Milwaukee Bucks were there performing, and Evan thought the "ba-keh-bah" was pretty cool to watch, especially from his high perch.
Sadly, he wasn't nearly as enthralled with the Klement's Racing Sausages. Mommy loves nearly any mascot, but Evan hasn't yet acquired that same fascination. The Brewers' game favorites were taking photos at the front gate of Summerfest, but Evan was having none of it.
It had been a long afternoon with all that adventure. Evan zonked out immediately in the car, and we were all tired. Time for a big nap!