Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
'Round the Corner
Eating Puffs
At just shy of 8 months, Evan was ready to try Puffs. He loves them, and is getting more and more coordinated when he picks them up. He's becoming such a little man.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Push Ups
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Daddy's Day
Standing Up
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Quite the Morning
Editors Note: there is no photo associated with this post. By the time you finish reading, you'll thank me for that.
Mike is in Pittsburgh this weekend for his annual concert trip with the guys. Evan woke at 630, looking for his Paci, which I happily supplied and even more happily went back to bed. He got up again at 830, and I could hear him talking to himself on the monitor. In the few minutes before he'd let me know he was hungry, I got up, let out and fed Ernie, and got Evan's breakfast ready. Evan was still happily chatting to himself, and I was ready for a good morning.
When I opened the door, I could tell right away that something wasn't right. Evan was just too happy, and there was a big dark spot on his sheets. And the room smelled. As soon as I turned on the lights, I knew the morning wasn't going to be quite as happy as I had planned.
During the morning, Evan had done what all babies do, pooed in his diaper. But this was a big poo, and it had overflowed out the top. Since Evan's a curious little fella, and since he's outgrown his one-piece jammies, he decided to reach around and see what this new texture was that was on his back. His hair, shirt, legs, arm, hand, and sheets were covered in poo. There was even poo in his ear! Oye, what a mess! (But he thought it was pretty cool - after all, it's a fun squishy texture.) So I picked him up and carried him, holding him as far away from me as possible (think 90's movie "Three Men and A Baby"), straight to the bath. He got soaped up, rinsed, and soaped again. One more time for good measure... then into new clothes. The bed was changed, his clothes went to soak, and I washed the floor where I had dropped his dirty jammies. Then it was into the shower for me. Finally, we could settle down to a good breakfast, an hour later. He was such a good sport about the whole thing, I just had to laugh...then call Mike and tell him what a big morning he missed.
Mike is in Pittsburgh this weekend for his annual concert trip with the guys. Evan woke at 630, looking for his Paci, which I happily supplied and even more happily went back to bed. He got up again at 830, and I could hear him talking to himself on the monitor. In the few minutes before he'd let me know he was hungry, I got up, let out and fed Ernie, and got Evan's breakfast ready. Evan was still happily chatting to himself, and I was ready for a good morning.
When I opened the door, I could tell right away that something wasn't right. Evan was just too happy, and there was a big dark spot on his sheets. And the room smelled. As soon as I turned on the lights, I knew the morning wasn't going to be quite as happy as I had planned.
During the morning, Evan had done what all babies do, pooed in his diaper. But this was a big poo, and it had overflowed out the top. Since Evan's a curious little fella, and since he's outgrown his one-piece jammies, he decided to reach around and see what this new texture was that was on his back. His hair, shirt, legs, arm, hand, and sheets were covered in poo. There was even poo in his ear! Oye, what a mess! (But he thought it was pretty cool - after all, it's a fun squishy texture.) So I picked him up and carried him, holding him as far away from me as possible (think 90's movie "Three Men and A Baby"), straight to the bath. He got soaped up, rinsed, and soaped again. One more time for good measure... then into new clothes. The bed was changed, his clothes went to soak, and I washed the floor where I had dropped his dirty jammies. Then it was into the shower for me. Finally, we could settle down to a good breakfast, an hour later. He was such a good sport about the whole thing, I just had to laugh...then call Mike and tell him what a big morning he missed.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Evan has a new uncle, and couldn't be happier. Jeff & Chrissy's wedding was beautiful, with a beach sunset as the perfect backdrop. Evan got to meet Jeff's niece and nephew and they enjoyed playing together. Everyone was dressed up and family photos on the beach will turn out great. Even though pictures and dinner started way after Evan's bed time, he stayed up very late and didn't miss a moment.
Congratulations, Chrissy & Jeff!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Gulf of Mexico

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Airplane Ride!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My first hotel
Monday, June 1, 2009
Cut the Grass
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