Evan began "school" today (daycare). Both Mike and I are still off work during the holidays, so we took Evan for a couple half-days so he and his teachers could meet each other, and we used the time to clean up some post-holiday tasks. It was hard giving our little man over to someone else, but we did admit that the time alone was quite a luxury.
The first days' report came back very positive. Evan did well at school, playing with the teachers, napping a little, and eating well. There are 8 kids in his classroom, varying from 8 weeks to 16 months. Evan's the littlest of three little-little guys in his class, so he'll have some good friends to grow up with. There is another classroom across the hall that has 8 kids in the same age group, and they all play together some times. Evan's teachers seem really nice and have been working with infants and toddlers for years, and they welcomed him into the class with open arms. His name was even posted on the wall already! The daily schedule includes play time, nap time, eating time, and outside time, so he's going to be a busy little boy. At the end of the third day, Evan rewarded Mike and I with a big smile as soon as he saw us, seeming to say, "I missed you mommy and daddy!"