Sunday, April 14, 2013


Evan's Spring T-Ball team is the Padres! He loves going to practice and having "real games" (even if most are at 8am on Saturdays - ugh). He's all decked out this season, in brand new "spike shoes" and real ball player pants and socks... he looks like a little pro! Mike's helping to coach the team, and Drew and I are unofficial helpers too. :)

Evan definitely has some skills in baseball. He can throw really far and has very good accuracy, and loves to turn on the speed. His goal is to hit the ball out into the grass before the end of the season, and he's getting close! We are lucky to have a great team this year, with both new and old friends as teammates. I had a fancy zoom lens this weekend, so took advantage and took way too many pictures at the game. These kids are just too adorable!

Hot air balloons welcome us to the field bright and early.

Drew helps carry gear to the game. Every bat counts...

Evan stretches and checks out the clean chalk lines.
Honorary bat boy Drew take a couple swings during
warm ups. He wants to play so badly! 

Our Padres line up this morning, minus two.

Some last minute words of encouragement from
Coach Mike and a yell to let the other team know
we're the Padres! 
Us parents think it's a hoot our team is sponsored
by Attitudes Salon. These kids have attitude, alright!

Evan  at the pitcher's mound.
Drew cheers on the team.
 Evan scoops up a grounder for a great play.

Time to bat! I love seeing the two of these guys playing together.
Evan stops at third...

then sprints for home! 

Great score! Those red spike shoes can really fly.
Carrington scores another run for the Padres.

And Bryce brings it home.

 Fielding against the Pirates

 Evan loves playing first base. "Throw it here, guys!"


A couple more quick runs score for our team.

Tony and Carrington hang out on deck in the dugout,
simultaneously cheering on their teammates and trying
to climb the fence without parents noticing...

Great game, everyone! 
Post-game pep talk and one last cheer. 
Then it's time for snack... one of the best parts of T-ball! 

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