Saturday, April 14, 2012

UVA Spring Game

Note: March is now filled with posts too, so check them out!  

It's time for the Orange vs. Blue game already, so we headed down to the stadium to play some games, have lunch, and watch a little football.  It was a gorgeous day, with weather near 80 and a perfect breeze.

Evan was beside himself with excitement when he found out that there were activities on the "real field" that he could do.  Mike took us through the inside of the stadium so that we came out the tunnel where CavMan and Sabre ride, and Evan's feet barely hit the turf he was running so fast to be one of the "big boys."  We got the midfield and got our bearings, and Evan seemed to have a radar sense to find a football.  After playing catch with Mike for a minute or two, the kids running at the tackling dummy caught his eye.  He figured out quickly that all you had to do was run full speed at the big blue bag and smash into it as hard as you can... Perfect!

While Evan tackled... and tackled... and tackled..., Drew was content to hang out at midfield and play with the football.  I strategically sat him in the middle of the V Sabre logo to get prime photos, and he obliged.

When we finally tore Evan away from the tackling dummies, he made straight for the throwing games, where we found his best buddy Connor.  They took a couple turns at tossing the ball into the holes, almost making it a couple times.  The coaches started to clear the field in preparation for the game to start, so we took the boys up the hill (straight up the hill) for more fun until the team was ready. Up there we found more throwing games and a big slide - perfect!

We took a little snack break on the low wall above the hill, which turned out to be the perfect seats to watch the game preparations.  We were in the shade of the scoreboard, and had plenty of room to run and play.  The boys played catch and tackle and other boy-games on the hill, nearly rolling down a few times, and Mike even raced them to the bottom.  I think they all realized their mistake when they got to the bottom though... they had to come back up!  They all made it, and just in time to find Connor's dad who took a great shot of the two big boys wearing real game-worn football helmets.  They were as happy as can be.

It was rough to get them to head home, but I don't think Evan will stop talking about being on the field for a long time.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love that Evan is in an Aaron Rodgers jersey!