Thursday, November 17, 2011

Song Time

There's lots of singing going on lately!  Evan and his class sing daily, and on Fridays Ms. Garry comes in with her guitars and drums and other fun instruments and spends half an hour in each class singing.  The result is Evan loves to sing and is constantly teaching us new songs.  Below:

  1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
  2. Sunrise, Sunset (by the Imagination Movers)
  3. Circle Time
    It's Circle Time today, it's Circle Time today!
    Time to learn and have some fun, it's Circle Time today.
  4. Miss Hannah Had the Hiccups
    Miss Hannah had the hiccups, hic-hic-hic-hic-hic-hic!
    And all those hic-hic-hiccups made Hannah feel quite ick.
    Her daddy did not worry, he knew just what to do:
    To scare away the hiccups, he simply hollered, "BOO!"

1 comment:

E Mace said...

Love the air guitar!!!
Mom, He's not going to be happy about this when he's in middle school and one of his "friends" comes across these :)